26 May 2014
April 21, 2014
A regular Village Board meeting was held on this date at 7:30 p.m.with the following members present: Mayor, Gerald Seymour , Trustees Todd Marris, Frank Emmerich and Chris Woodcock. Absent Charlene Gregory.
Public Comment: no comment
Motion was made by Todd Marris to accept March minutes. 3 ayes 0 nays
Sheriff Maciol was here to ask the board if they had any question or concerns and to give the Village a copy of their annual budget.
Chip from Little League presented the board with a proposal for repairing the back stop and adding fencing to the outfield. Also advised the Board opening day for Little League would be May 17th.
Vern LaClair from Tallarino Engineering PLLC in cooperation with Vertex Geospatial, Inc presented the Board with the proposal for Engineering and Mapping services for water main extension along Peterboro Street, Indiantown Rd and Youngs Rd in the amount of $33,500.
Ken Forte our County Legislator came to introduce himself.
Motion was made by Chris Woodcock to accept proposal from Wilson Home Improvement to repair the back stop at the park in the amount of $375.00. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to approve General budget in the amount of $604,841.45 ( no tax increase), Water Budget in the amount of $761,142.57 (no rate increase) and Sewer Budget in the amount of $443,800.29 (with no rate increase). 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to accept new appointments (see attached). 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Todd Marris to approve proposal from All season maintenance by Mr. Sealer to stripe parking lot, seal and strip Basketball court and seal old tennis court in the amount of $3,525.00.
3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Chris Woodcock to approve web based electronic time clock to replace time cards.
3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to approve to contract the court clerks at the town at a rate of $15.00 and hour to assist our court clerk at our monthly court day. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Todd to have a Village wide garage sale with no permit required on Saturday
June 7, 2014. 3 ayes 0 nays
Library will have a clean up day on Saturday April 26th and has 7 new members on the board for a total of 11 members.
Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to approve Clerks, DPW, Water/Sewer and Police Reports.
3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to pay the bills. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Chris Woodcock to adjourn. 3 ayes 0 nays
April 26, 2014
A special Village Board meeting was held on this date at 9:30 a.m. with the following member present:
Mayor, Gerald Seymour , Trustees Todd Marris, Frank Emmerich and Chris Woodcock. Absent Charlene Gregory.
Motion was made by Todd Marris to accept proposal from Vern LaClair from Tallarino Engineering PLLC in cooperation with Vertex Geospatial, Inc for Engineering and Mapping services for water main extension along Peterboro Street, Indiantown Rd and Youngs Rd in the amount of $33,500. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to purchase a street brush for Bobcat to clean street in the amount of $3,540 to be paid by water and sewer. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Chris Woodcock to approve relevy of misc charges for Janice Wilson (323.012-2-25) in the amount of $122.46 for meter charge and $100.00 for mowing and David Meyers (323.016-3-6) in the amount of $122.46 meter charge for a total of $344.92. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Todd Marris to approve proposal from Wilson Home Improvements to make the following changes major league field. Replace 180' 12' high remove and relocate fence 4' high 20 feet back in the amount of $4350.00. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Chris Woodcock to adjourn. 3 ayes 0 nays