24 Nov 2014
October 20, 2014
A regular Village Board meeting was held on this date at 7:30 p.m.with the following members present: Mayor, Gerald Seymour, Trustees Todd Marris, Frank Emmerich, and Chris Woodcock. Absent Jay Finch.
Public Comment: no public comment
Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to accept September minutes with the following change:
3 ayes 0 nays
- Paragraph 9 should read approve Clerks, Police and DPW/Water/Sewer Superintendent Reports
Garbage pickup changes for Thanksgiving will be Tuesday November 25th, Christmas will be Tuesday December 23rd and New Year’s will be December 30th.
Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to approve Clerks and Police Reports. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Chris Woodcock to pay the bills. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Frank Emmerich to adjourn. 3 ayes 0 nays