8 Jul 2019
March 18, 2019
A Regular board meeting was held on this date with the following members present:
Mayor Taylor Sreca, Trustees, Joe D’Agostino, Todd Marris, and Bryan Acee.
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to approve January meeting minutes. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to approve Sexual Harassment training to be held at the City of Sherrill for a cost of $50.00. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Joe D’Agostino to approve Nothin Fancy Country Rock Saloon Inc to have DJ music. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Joe D’Agostino to approve Tentative Budget for General, Water and Sewer funds.
4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Todd Marris to have a Public Hearing on April 15, 2019 at 6:30 for any tentative budget changes. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to approve replace planter at the corner of North St and Cooper St.
4 ayes 0 nays
Discussion about bulls getting lose from Burton Live Stock and roaming the Village. Chris Woodcock wanted to know who is held responsible.
Discussion on how the Village could notify Water customers when water is going to be shut off.
Public Comment – no public comment
Motion was made by Joe D’Agostino approve Clerks, DPW/Water/Sewer, and Police Reports.
4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Todd Marris to pay the bills. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to adjourn. 4 ayes 0 nays