6 Jan 2020
September 16, 2019
The Regular board meeting was canceled due to no enough Board members could attend. Rescheduled for September 19, 2019 at 11:30 am.
A Regular board meeting was held on September 19, 2019 at 11:30 am with the following members present: Mayor Joseph D’Agostino, Trustee Bryan Acee, Todd Marris and William Davies came at 11:35 am.
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to approve August meeting minutes. 3 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to approve additional services for WWTP upgrade (see attached information) 3 aye 0 nays
Motion was made by Bryan Acee to approve extending 2016-2018 Police contract until April 1, 2020.
4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by Todd Marris to approve Zachary Correnti for new Part-time Police Officer and to send him to Phase 2 of the Police Academy.4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by William Davies to approve quote from Craneto repair five catch basins in the amount of $11,780 and up to $2,000 more to move catch basin out of driveway on Black Ave. 4 ayes 0 nays
Public Comment – no public comment
Motion was made by Bryan Acee approve Clerks, Codes and Police Reports.
4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by William Davies to pay the bills. 4 ayes 0 nays
Motion was made by William Davies to adjourn. 4 ayes 0 nays