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The Village of Vernon
Newsletters > FALL NEWSLETTER 2014

Nov 2, 2014

October 26, 2014

Village of Vernon Residents,
Hope this letter finds all in good health and spirits. Fall has arrived, cool crisp air, geese are heading south, leaves are changed and falling .D.P.W. has started leaf collection and will until November 21st or the snow comes. Please make your D.P.W. ‘s job easier by keeping brush and grass separate from leaves. Also keep all green waste out of the street as it will clog our storm sewers.
Holidays all fall on Thursday this year so garbage pickup will be Tuesday those holidays. Mark these dates on your calendar please….. Tuesday November 25th, Tuesday December 23rd and Tuesday December 30th.These are the ONLY days that garbage pickup will change this year. These dates will be posted on the website and on the Fire department sign.
Starting December 1st till April 15th NO PARKING on village streets after 1a.m.Streets and sidewalks need to be clear so D.P.W.can plow and salt without any obstacles. Thanks for your cooperation and sorry for any inconvenience. Plowing and salting will start as soon as it is needed (not to soon I hope).
Please help our Volunteer Fire Department this winter by keeping fire hydrants, by your house, clear of snow. If there is a fire, we don’t need them losing precious time digging out hydrants to put out a fire in your neighborhood. If you have an elderly neighbor please help keep the hydrant clear by their house.
The Vernon Fire Department is always looking for new members. If you would like to join the BEST department in the area come down on a Tuesday night and talk to them. Also if you happen to see any member of the department, thank them for their service. It’s the only pay they get and I know they deserve more. I am proud to say thanks for taking care of my village.
If you haven’t noticed there has been a rebirth in the Vernon Library .With a new board and library director there has been major improvements. New books, DVD’S and soon new computers. Inside is undergoing remodeling. Library has been cleaned up, a new paint job and also new furniture. The outside is receiving a facelift There has been many kids (and family) programs already with many more on the way. Monthly flyers are sent to the Wettel School with dates and times, also posted on the Village website. Thanks to all the board members for not letting the library to die and go away. With special thanks for the awesome job New Director Terri Finch has done. Look for a Grand opening gala after the holidays!

Come if you dare….. To the Halloween Party at the fire hall on Saturday November 1st 7P.M. Refreshments, treat bags and a costume contest for kids of all ages. Halloween is on Friday October 31st this year. Please be aware and drive slowly through the village that night. Spooks dressed up as kids will be everywhere!
Our annual Tree Lighting will be Saturday November 29th at the Village Park. A visit from Santa and refreshments will follow.. This is becoming a great tradition and a wonderful community event to start the holiday spirt.Look for more info to follow as they become available.
Village monthly meetings are held the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:30 at the Village Hall. All are welcome and encouraged to come. We, as a board, can’t act on issues that we aren’t aware of. We all work for you so please come and get involved.
Any news or events or meetings are posted on the website, www.villageofvenonny.org.
Have a safe and Happy Holiday!
Your Mayor,

Gerald Seymour Jr.

© 2018 Village of Vernon
8 Ruth Street
PO Box 1137
Vernon, NY 13476