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The Village of Vernon
Newsletters > FALL NEWSLETTER 2016

May 3, 2017

Fall 2016

Village of Vernon Residents,
Hope this letter finds everyone in good spirits and in good health. It looks like summer has left us as daylight starts to get less and less. Leaves are changing and falling, pools and patio furniture are getting closed and put away. That can only mean (oh yea) time for our village newsletter!
Let’s start with leaf pick up. D.P.W. will start picking up as soon as needed. Help our men by raking leaves to the curb but not in the road. Keep brush separate from leaves as our vacuum will not pick up the brush. Pick up will continue thru Friday November 18th or if we get accumulating snow. (Let’s hope not) That is the Friday before Thanksgiving.
Please mark the date on your calendar, Thursday November 24th, that’s Thanksgiving Day. No garbage will be picked up; it will be picked up on Tuesday the 22nd. Sorry for the inconvenience but the garbage collectors need that day off as well.
The village has had an increase in complaints about dogs barking and running loose. Please, there are local laws concerning both, have some consideration for your neighbors. If you have a complaint don’t hesitate to call and we will try to resolve the issue with a phone call or a friendly reminder by the police. The number for the police department is 829-2550. If no one is there you will get dispatch from Oneida County which will in turn, contact our officer on duty.
December 1st through April 15 there will be no overnight parking in the village. All vehicles off the streets by 11 p.m. or you will be ticketed. Let the D.P.W. do their job, it’s safer and easier to salt and plow when the streets are empty. Plowing and salting will start as soon as it is needed (not too soon please).
When you are plowing or snow blowing your driveway, please don’t put snow in the road, this causes a huge safety hazard for anyone else driving on the street. If you happen to have a fire hydrant in front of your house or your elderly next door neighbor does, please do your best to keep it clear for the fire department. If your house is on fire, do you want them cleaning the snow off the hydrant before they can hook up a hose? Remember they are volunteers and are there for our safety.
Keep an eye out for our elderly neighbors, especially in the cold winter. Sometimes we forget about them in the winter because we don’t see them out and about. A phone call or knock on the door to make sure everything is all right. They looked out for us when we were younger, so it’s our turn to keep track of them. Looking out for each is why it is so great to live in a small community like Vernon.
The Vernon Fire Department can always use new members. Anyone interested in joining the best damn department in the area can stop in the fire hall on Tuesday nights when they have practice for more info on joining. If you see any member out and about, and I say this every year and truly mean it, thank them or give them a pat on the back for their service. It’s the only pay they get and they are under appreciated. I know I don’t say it enough, but thanks for keeping my village safe.
The Vernon Library is still going strong and showing lots of revitalization. Come on in! You won’t recognize it inside or out. Library Director Robin Coufal and Assistant Morgan Espada are doing a great job and have added programs for all ages. New books and DVD’s are arriving weekly. More info on their website midyork.org/Vernon and phone number is 829-2463 Make sure you “check it out”,
Halloween party is Saturday October 29th at 7 p.m. at the Fire Hall. Don’t be frightened come on down! Costume contest for the best costume, refreshments and treat bags for the kids. It’s a ghoulish good time!
Halloween is Monday October 31st, so please be especially careful when traveling through the village that night as children and parents will be walking all over. Safety is our number one priority so please drive with caution.
Village Christmas tree lighting will be December 3rd at dusk at the Village Park with help from Santa. Then up to the fire hall for a visit with Santa and refreshments and a gift bag. We are looking for a big turnout so help us by coming out.
Any news or events or meetings are posted on the website, www.villageofvernonny.org. Village Hall is open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.. Usually Karen is there earlier and stays later. If you see her car in the parking lot she will take care of any issue she can.
Village court has been moved to the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. Court will still be held at the Town Office Building as always. Court clerk hours remain unchanged Tuesday and Thursdays 9 to 1 and most Fridays and they are still located at the Village Hall.
Monthly meetings are the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the village hall. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come. We, as a board, can’t act on issues that we aren’t aware of. Also, we would love some input for community events we could try. We all work for you, so please come and get involved.
Thank you and Have a safe and happy Holiday Season!
Your Mayor

Jerry Seymour

© 2018 Village of Vernon
8 Ruth Street
PO Box 1137
Vernon, NY 13476