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The Village of Vernon
Newsletters > FALL NEWSLETTER 2017

Oct 18, 2017

Village of Vernon Residence
Hope this letter finds you all well. The days are getting shorter, the nights a little cooler, pants on instead of shorts and shoes instead of sandals. This can only mean one thing….time for the Village newsletter!
The D.P.W. will start picking up leaves as soon as needed. Please rake the leaves to the curb or to the edge of road, NOT in the road as it creates a hazard. Keep the brush in a separate pile from leaves as our vacuum will not pick up the brush Leaf pick up will continue thru Friday November 17th or if we get accumulating snow. (Let’s hope not).
Garbage pickup will always be a day later when there is a major holiday. If you are unsure, check our Village website as a reminder will be posted.
There are local laws in place concerning barking dogs as well as a leash law. If you have a concern don’t hesitate to call and we will try to resolve the issue with a phone call or a friendly visit by the village police. The number for the police department is 315- 829-2550. If no one answers in the office, you will get dispatch from Oneida County 911 center which will in turn, contact our officer on duty.
There will be no overnight parking in the village from December 1st through April 15. All vehicles are to be off the streets by 11 p.m. or you will be ticketed. This will be strictly enforced. It’s safer and easier to salt and plow when the streets are empty. Plowing and salting will start as soon as it is needed (not too soon please). We have a new plow ordered and it should be arriving soon.
When you are plowing or snow blowing your driveway, please don’t put snow in the road, this causes a huge safety hazard for anyone else driving on the street. Please don’t give our D.P.W. any grief when they push snow back in your driveway they are only doing their job. If you happen to have a fire hydrant in front of your house or your elderly next-door neighbor does, please do your best to keep it clear for the fire department. We don’t want the fireman cleaning snow off the hydrants before they have to fight a fire. Remember they are volunteers and are there for our safety
Keep an eye out for our elderly neighbors, especially in the cold winter. Sometimes we forget about them in the winter because we don’t see them out and about. Take the time to make a phone call or knock on the door to make sure everything is all right. They looked out for us when we were younger, so it’s our turn to keep track of them. Looking out for each other is why it is so great to live in a small community like Vernon.
This year for Halloween we are trying something new. Instead of the Halloween party, we are going to do a trunk and treat event at the village park. Anyone wishing to participate, can bring your car down to park, decorate it and provide treats. The kids in costume will go car to car and collect candy. Prizes will be awarded to best costume and best car. The date is Saturday October 28th between 3 and 5. More information is posted on the village website. Halloween is Tuesday the 31st so please be careful driving in the village that night. Watch out for all the” creatures of the night “trick or treating.
Santa Claus will be lighting the Village Christmas tree on December 2nd at dusk in the Village Park. Santa will then go up to the fire hall where he will listen to wish lists and hand out a gift to the kids. Refreshments will also be available to all who come. Don’t forget your camera!
Village elections are on Tuesday March 20th, 2018. You will be voting for the Village Justice and 2 Trustee seats. They are 4-year terms. Any village resident is eligible to run. Petitions can be picked up at the Village Clerks Office. You can start collecting signatures January 2, 2018 and must be turned into Village Clerk by 1 p.m. on February 13th, 2018.
All village news, events and meetings are posted on the website, www.villageofvernonny.org.
The Village Hall is open Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. or by appointment if necessary. Contact the village clerk, Karen Rizzo, at 315-829-2777 with any questions.
Village court is the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 4 p.m. Court will still be held at the Town Office Building. Court clerk, Sandy Schell’s, hours are Tuesday and Thursdays 9 to 1 and most Fridays. Her office is located at the Village Hall.
Monthly meetings are the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the village hall. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to come. We, as a board, can’t act on issues that we aren’t aware of. We would love some input for community events. We all work for you, so please come and get involved.
Have a safe and happy holiday!!!
Your Mayor,
Jerry Seymour

© 2018 Village of Vernon
8 Ruth Street
PO Box 1137
Vernon, NY 13476