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Spring 2019 news letter
Spring 2019 news letter
Jul 8, 2019
Dear Village Residents,
As we are patiently awaiting the weather to break, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank you for putting your trust in me and electing me your mayor along with Bill Davies and Bryan Acee as trustees. The board and I will be working hard to ensure your tax dollars are well spent and that the Village of Vernon is a community that you can be proud of.
Village board meetings are the 3rd Monday of every month. I welcome all residents to attend to keep informed about what is happening in Vernon. Public comment is also welcome. If you have an item you’d like to discuss with the board, please call the Village Clerk, Karen Rizzo, at 315-829-2777 and she will add you to the agenda of an upcoming board meeting.
Trash removal remains on Thursday mornings with the exception of holiday weeks. The next being the week of May 27th. Pick up will be on Friday May 31st that week. Also, the July 4th pick up will be moved to July 5th.
The Vernon Village Garage Sale will be the weekend of May 31st-June 2nd. Anyone wishing to have a garage sale that weekend is encouraged to participate. Permits are not required that weekend. The following Saturday will be Village Clean Up Day. We will have dumpsters available at the village hall for trash and household debris.
Two new developments for this year I’d like to make you aware of is the Waste Water Treatment Plant Upgrade as well as the implementation of a Village of Vernon Facebook page.
The Waste Water Treatment Plant is in severe need of upgrades. We are embarking on a major capital improvement project to bring our plant up to code as well as DEC regulations. We will pass along more information as the project progresses.
Secondly, we will be developing a Village of Vernon Facebook page. We will be posting village news and happenings. We would also encourage all businesses in the village to provide us with photos and details of your business so that we can spotlight our business community on that page as well.
Thank you all again, I look forward to serving the Village of Vernon. For questions or concerns, my direct e-mail is villageofvernonmayor@gmail.com. Have a great summer!
Joe D’Agostino, Mayor
© 2018 Village of Vernon
8 Ruth Street
PO Box 1137
Vernon, NY 13476